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In Relation To

The Covenant of Marriage and Singles in the Kingdom (Matt 19:1-12)

The Covenant of Marriage and Singles in the Kingdom (Matt 19:1-12)

As we’ve been working through this series, we’ve been seeing how God has an opinion about the relationships in our lives. He has an opinion in the sense that He has a clear design for these things that serve His function, which He has designed in His wisdom. In the last of this series, we will look at the covenant of marriage, and the role of singles in God’s kingdom.

Children in Christ’s Household (Ps 127:1-5, Eph 6:1-4)

Children in Christ’s Household (Ps 127:1-5, Eph 6:1-4)

In this study, we will be thinking on the topic of children. How should we view children? Are they inherently good or bad? Maybe a good thing to have? Or a burden to avoid? What is the purpose of children in our lives? Are they meant to bring us happiness and joy and some free cuddles maybe? You might be thinking: what does children have to do with our topics of love, relationships, marriage, singlehood, etc. Let us hope to make the connection today.

Don’t Be Unequally Yoked (2 Cor 6:1-18, Song of Solomon 8:6-9)

Don’t Be Unequally Yoked (2 Cor 6:1-18, Song of Solomon 8:6-9)

Relationships fill up so much of our life and energy. But as Christians, how does our faith change our relationships? How does our faith affect how we think about dating, marriage and our singleness?

If you’ve grown up in Christian circles, you’ve probably heard the phrase “don’t be unequally yoked”. The idea of a yoke is agricultural language which we may be unfamiliar with. At the same time, the principle behind it, sometimes reduced to “only date Christians” can sound jarring and even rude.

In this study, we want to understand what it means to be unequally yoked in our relationships, and on the other hand, why it is important to be equally yoked. We want to begin by exploring what it means to be a faithful Christian as this is an important foundation and principle to establish before we go on.

Singles and Marrieds Firmly Established (1 Cor 7:1-40)

Singles and Marrieds Firmly Established (1 Cor 7:1-40)

We continue our series that on relationships and we will look at what the Bible says about singles and marrieds in today’s study. We will split 1 Corinthians into two sections, with two underlying arguments. Before we go on, just a note — today’s text is like a tree with many weird branches, and we could be trapped and caught in the branches. But we press on and ask God for His help to understand.

Godly Dating, Character and Community (Gen 24:1-67, Prov 5:15-23)

Godly Dating, Character and Community (Gen 24:1-67, Prov 5:15-23)

In the previous study, we began our series and tried to lay out the prerequisite to know God’s good design for gender. Genesis 1-2 depicts the male and female as two equal yet distinct holy persons reflecting the image of God. We saw how our anthropology is meant to reflect God. Our genders aren’t just statements in themselves, but is meant to point to God.

In this study, we are going to consider the issue of dating. Now, the Bible doesn’t speak of modern “dating”, because this is a new historical idea. But nevertheless, we can still glean some important and helpful principles from His Word!

God’s Good Design (Gen 2:1-23 and Eph 5:22-32)

God’s Good Design (Gen 2:1-23 and Eph 5:22-32)

This is our new series on the Bible, relationships and love. As young adults, relationships, love and marriage are things that we think or worry about, watch shows about and talk to people about. Today, our culture is obsessed with love and relationships. We see it on social media and in entertainment and as we consume more and more of this content, our view of love and relationships and marriages become shaped more by the world than by God’s Word. This series hopes to tackle this central area of life for young people. We will engage with a variety of issues that single, dating and married people face and we will come out of what the culture tells us to ask, what does God’s Word have to say?